There is so much talk today about the Mayan Calendar. Everyone is anticipating what will happen in the year 2012. What matters most is today. How do you live today? How you live today will have more effect on what occurs in 2012 than you can fathom. It is how you live each moment that dictates tomorrow. What you do and how you think today, will have more impact on what occurs in your life in 2012 than anything you can imagine that is planned outside of you.
Mayan Princess
Channeled and Shared by Joy Pedersen
This channeled message and photo is copyrighted to Joy Pedersen and Angel Enlightenment. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without permission from Joy Pedersen. Permission may be requested by sending an email to [email protected].