This planet has moved into the light. We ask you to align with the divine within your own heart. Through that alignment all is possible. For those of you who are in resistance at this time or still attached to the intellect and memory, those memories have kept you trapped for aeons. By letting go of the past, your intellect, and moving in to your heart, all is possible. So align with the divine, your source, your creator that resides within your own heart, and all will open to you.
You all deserve love, peace, joy, balance, freedom and abundance all is possible and more by aligning with the divine within. Should you remain in your intellect and ego separate from the divinity within, you will continue to suffer.
We would prefer you join us at this time - align with the divine so you too can experience bliss as you deserve.
Archangel Michael
Message channeled by Dr. Joy S. Pedersen, Licensed Spiritual Healer and Certified Spiritual Health Coach. Author of channeled book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life. To read more about the book and also receive a free 5-week mini e-course from Archangel Michael, visit You can read more about her work and receive a separate free mini e-course at
This channeled message is copyrighted to Joy Pedersen and Angel Enlightenment. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and www.Angel is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without permission from Joy Pedersen. Permission may be requested by sending an email to [email protected].