You have come along way. You have traversed many hills and valleys. You have come to a place in time where we are at a turning point finally giving you the opportunity to excel and surpass all that has troubled you in the past.
The days and weeks to come will be pivotal. It is important for you to be in your right place, following your calling and living your heart’s desires.
It is important for you to look forward with eagerness knowing that all is well in the world.
It is important for you to trust. Trust yourself. Trust God.
We are here supporting you in droves, minding the business at hand and helping you make this transition into a new time and space easily and effortlessly.
You have only one thing to ask yourself. Am I doing what is best for me?
Do that daily. Do that moment by moment and you will see profound change occur in your life. Those of you who are attached to the old and outmoded, will remain stuck in those energies. Those energies no longer serve you and will hold you back from living the life that is possible for you.
Let go I say. Let God. Turn your life over completely to the Divine Source within you. Learn to trust that part of you so it becomes your guiding light. Allow that light to emerge from you and shine so brightly you bring others along with you.
It is time for humanity to join forces in light. Brighten yours today!
Archangel Michael
Angel message channeled by Dr. Joy S. Pedersen, Licensed Spiritual Healer and Certified Spiritual Health Coach. Author of channeled book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life. To read more about the book and also receive a free 5-week mini e-course from Archangel Michael, visit You can read more about her work and receive a separate free mini e-course at
This channeled message is copyrighted to Joy Pedersen and Angel Enlightenment. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and www.Angel is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without permission from Joy Pedersen. Permission may be requested by sending an email to [email protected].