Play is underrated. Society today seems to relish work, work, work thinking that is the answer to their needs being met. It is not. It has it’s place but it is way out of balance in this society today. Play has been underrated now for a long time here in this country (USA). You have struggled to get ahead thinking the more you work, the more you will make and the farther ahead you will get but that is not the case.
What is important, oh so important, is to think before you act and act out of inspiration. There are times when you want to play and not work and it may be the most important thing you can do at that time for yourself and all man kind. You think working has value and it does but because people don’t play enough they work unproductively harder than necessary. Most work can get done in a fraction of the time but because they are adhering to standards long ago set, they do what they are told not necessarily what is right.
When I see you all struggle, working hard trying to make a buck I wonder what for. You think you know what you are doing but you do not. Most people do not operate out of the conscious but out of the subconscious out of what is familiar, tried and true to their worlds of thinking.
The truth is that everything is individualized for the person and the circumstance. What is appropriate for one may not be appropriate for another. Do what you are guided to do in each moment and you will be living your best life. Do what another thinks is supposed to be done and you are doing more of the same that lacks truth, integrity, honesty and awareness in the given situation.
So often people go forward living out of their past repeating what someone else thought a good idea and no one questions the appropriateness of the situation because they are trained to listen and follow what is but what may not be best. You think it best because it pleases someone but not necessarily, you, a higher cause or the real situation at hand.
When people learn to go within and access their true guidance and compass, they will be guided to do what is appropriate for them and the circumstance always in that instant.
By following what was or someone else thought, it doesn’t necessarily garner the results either of the participants or the whole at large would deem possible for or beneficial to all involved and effected by the actions and decisions taking place.